Quality Assurance

Our end customers are rolling mill industries and we thoroughly understand their needs. We not only manufacture steel and allied rolling mill machineries and thier spares but we are dedicated to deliver value to our customers. Just to satisfy a client’s need is not our goal, we give our best to leave customer with an overwhelming experience whenever he uses our machinery or equipment. Our machines possess superior technicality with high standards of quality for ultimate performance in rolling of metals. Our efficiency has resulted into tremendous growth of our industry and nation’s growth as well. Moreover, our professional integrity, unparalleled quality, dedication towards commitment and continuous innovation are key factors which promotes our work towards the expansion and development of our steel industry.

As we are a ISO 9001:2015 certified company, we maintain the quality which fulfills all the requirements and standards of the same. Our production is supervised by an experienced team who are responsible for the inspection of our products at every stage of production. We procure raw material and other components as per the specified standards to leave no room for flaws